Item Dependency: High. Set 9. Here are the most powerful TFT team comps for Patch 13. Items: Samira items: Last Whisper, Hextech Gunblade, HoJ, Infinity Edge, Giant Slayer, Deathblade, Rageblade, Runaan’s. 5 Check TIER LIST belowI also added a quick guide for each comp on my website. 5 Patch 11. Here are best items for all champions for Set 9. META SNAPSHOT FOR SET 6 Check TIER LIST belowI also added a quick guide for each comp on my website. 3 Patch introduced 4 Hero Augment rerolls, which definitely adds new comps to the Meta. I’ve been Challenger before which is the highest rank, and I’ve coached many people who were brand new. 24 is a huge patch that will probably bring a huge meta shake-up with nerfs to basically every single meta comp. Top 13. $5. S: Innovator, Socialite Irelia, A: Arcanist Reroll !!, Mutant Malzahar, Renata Bruisers, Talon Assassins, Ashe Reroll, B: Debonair Draven, Syndicate Ahri, Twinshot!, Twitch Reroll, Striker, Snipers, Reroll Corki, Reroll Brand, Hextech, C: Chemtech, Other: Double Trouble. How to Play: Since this is a comp that mainly comes online at level 8, try to play strongest board until 4-5 where you level to 8 to roll for your 2* 4 cost units like Samira, Sett and 5 cost units like Urgot, Fiddlesticks and Aphelios. 5. TFT Compositions Tier List S Tier: Highly Flexible or Very Strong Mech Pilot Infiltrator Best composition right now and easy to play. 5% Win Rate 17. These compositions just require a damage carry, tanks, and random legendaries. Last 2 Days. This is the opposite of the previous playstyle, though it has similar benefits. Tip 2: Plan and learn before playing. Weaker, less flexible, requires more luck than S-Tier Ahri + Frontline Ahri kills everything. Replies. There is a lot of magic damage, so 4 Mystic is a. Level and Econ Guide for Set 5. Stage 1: The beginning Carousel is the same as normal TFT, but you may notice that there is only one Neutral round. Stage 2 is ALWAYS Glitched, while the others have a chance to be as. have the best TFT Co. 5 Patch 13. C: Katarina Assassins, Miss Fortune Reroll, Warwick Reroll, Trundle Reroll, Yordle Veigar, Gangplank Reroll, Lissandra Reroll. 9 Advanced Tips to Climb in TFT; How I Got Good; Why You’re Not Improving in TFT; How I Got to Challenger; Article Archive. 9 Meta Snapshot. TFT Item Quadrant – OUTDATED IGNORE BELOW. 6 Challenger is strongest version, but 4/6 Academy is OK. Fiora Items: You don’t really need Fiora items, but if she’s 2 star, IE/JG is probably best. 17. If you are high health, just go fast 8 at 4-3 with 30+ gold, then go 9 or stabilize more by rolling at 5-1. Stream is on every Friday – Sunday at 3pm-7pm US Eastern at. 16b Meta Snapshot. Augments: Axiom Arc, Golden Ticket, Thrill of the Hunt, Featherweights, Celestial Blessing, Renegade Crest, Renegrade Heart. 9b. S: Sentinels, Assassins, Kayle Knights, A: Aphelios, Invokers, B: Abomination, Redeemed Vel’Koz, Reroll Legionnaire, Forgotten Draven, Nigthbringer Yasuo, Dawnbringer Karma, Riven, C: Skirmishers, Cavalier Cannoneer, Hellion, Note that Items don’t really matter that much, so don’t grief your game to. 11 Meta Snapshot. We have the full list of Dragonlands Augments, Traits, and brand new champions. 5 Tier List – Patch 12. 28 members; 22 posts; $97. Divine Kayle Comp. Strength (y-axis) is based on how effective an item is in the situations where it is most used. TFT Comps for Set. Try out different types of positioning and champions in these comps too! December 7, 2022 by bunnymuffins. 5 Tier List – Patch 13. Pray you hit Aphelios 2*. The closer to the Top Right, the better and more versatile the item is. META SNAPSHOT FOR SET 8. 1% Top. Meta Snapshot Summary. Note that Items don’t really matter that much, so don’t grief your game to get specific items unless I mention a specific item is required. Choose a Portal to adjust Placement & Pick Rate. 18 Meta Snapshot – Week 2 October 7, 2022 September 30, 2022 by Voids1n Updated every Friday TFT Comps for Set 5. 18 Meta Snapshot September 16, 2021 September 10, 2021 by bunnymuffins Updated every Friday Updated 2/11 – 13. Force Talon Morgana Enlightened – TFT Teamfight Tactics Composition Guide. Considering this, early game is pretty simple. KSante. TFT Comps Tier List Set 4. 20 Meta Snapshot – Week 2 October 22, 2021 October 15, 2021 by bunnymuffins Updated every Friday (Every two seconds Mutants grow, gaining bonuses that stack up to 5 times (Armor, MR, AD, AP)) Malzahar is good with a Hextech Gunblade + Morello + AP item. . Note that Items don’t really matter that much, so don’t grief your game to get specific items unless I mention a specific item is required. Just play either 2 Duelists + strongest units or just 4 Duelists in Stage 2 depending on what units you hit/upgrade. Avg Place. Sona items: Morellonomicon, Spear of Shojin, AP items. Legendary comps are seen a lot less, but they still exist. TFT can be confusing at first, but after. TFT Set 7. Likely to get hit with a nerf in Patch 11. TFT Set 7 Tier List – Patch 12. Categories Meta. S: Assassin Leblanc, Nightbringer Aphelios, A: Draconic Ashe, Draconic Zyra, Redeemed Vel’Koz, Skirmishers, B: Forgotten Draven, Dawnbringer Karma, Hellion Reroll, Coven, Vayne Reroll C: Nigthbringer Yasuo, Blender Nocturne, Abomination, Check out the Cheat Sheet for easy reference in each of. The patch has already given huge buffs to Dazzlers, but this hidden unreported buff puts Morgana over the top. META SNAPSHOT FOR SET 8 Check TIER LIST belowI also added a quick guide for each comp on my website. Item Quadrant. Difficulty: Medium Item/Augment Dependency: High Variance: Medium Requirements: Some Arcanist Augments are good; 1 healing augment (Celestial or Thrill of the Hunt8 Heuristics for Improving at TFT; 9 Tips to Instantly Climb; 5 Playstyles to Get to Diamond; Each Elo Explained; Advanced Guides. Difficulty: Medium Item/Augment Dependency: Medium Variance: Medium Requirements: Lots of copies of the units you want if rerolling; Ability to roll on 8/go 9 for Legendaries if going for Viktor/Silco🤖 Install Mech Arena for FREE here and get a special starter pack to help kickstart your game! ⭐ALL THE BEST COMPS FOR TFT SET 7 PAT. 9 Advanced Tips to Climb in TFT; How I Got Good; Why You’re Not Improving in TFT; How I Got to Challenger; Article Archive. Meta Report; Champions; Tier Lists. If not, just slow roll. Arcanist Lux. What Polt does is press level up twice, putting him at 8/10 experience. TFT Guides, Comps, Tips and Tier List by BunnyMuffins. have the best TFT Co. Click “ Allow ” for Photo/Media access and Phone calls. S: Kayle, A: Warlords, Mage Elderwood, Sharpshooters, Reroll Nasus, Slayers, Duelists, 8 Brawler Shyvana, B: Reroll Diana, Fabled Vanguard Mystic, Enlightened Talon, Assassins, C: Zed, Dragonsoul, Reroll Mage, Cultist Tier: Cultists, I'm BunnyMuffins and I am here to help you improve in TFT, keep you up to date with the meta, and provide guides and commentary on the latest strategies, comps, and builds! Having finished. Win Rate. Go 8 to add both. Itemize whoever based on the items you get. Sort: Avg Place. As of right now, the Duelist meta is at least 6 Duelists + 2 Ox force and useful Threat units. 3-2 and Slow Roll. . 14b Meta Snapshot. 3-2, 3-5. With Infiniteam, Sureshot, Garen and other buffs, this comp is by far the most consistent comp right now. Aurelion Sol Aatrox. Redemption Chogath is great. Voracious Appetite (Mutants grow stronger each time an ally dies (AP and AD)) Malzahar is good here. Any damage item works on her. In the current meta if you hit Kayle early enough. Avoid items on Bottom Left if possible. META SNAPSHOT FOR SET 8. META SNAPSHOT FOR SET 6 Check TIER LIST belowI also added a quick guide for each comp on my website. Find out the strongest and most reliable meta Teamfight Tactics comps and. Aphelios items: Deathblade, Infinity. Read more. Meta Snapshot Summary. 18 Meta Snapshot September 16, 2021 September 10, 2021 by bunnymuffins Updated every Friday 2/11 – 13. Darius items, Thief’s Gloves, Zeke’s Herald. Similar to our LoL tier list, our TFT tier list is curated in collaboration with top-level players, such as Ace of Spades. Voracious Appetite (Mutants grow stronger each time an ally dies (AP and AD)) Malzahar is good here. They accidentally buffed Morgana without mentioning it in the patch notes. TFT Set 5. You are on an emulator, so I wouldn’t be concerned about this. Avoid items on Bottom Left if possible. META SNAPSHOT FOR SET 8 Check TIER LIST belowI also added a quick guide for each comp on my website. Difficulty: High Item/Augment Dependency: Medium Variance: Medium Requirements: A brain to make the most of the comp (see below)META SNAPSHOT FOR SET 8 Check TIER LIST belowI also added a quick guide for each comp on my website. The Flex Meta – TFT Tierlist Patch 10. Last Week’s Rank: B. 5 Check TIER LIST belowI also added a quick guide for each comp on my website. Good frontline. S: Mage Elderwood, A: Zed, Executioner Kayle, Slayers, Fabled Vanguard Mystic, Enlightened Talon, Reroll Diana, Reroll Nasus, Dragonsoul, B: 8 Brawler Shyvana, Cultists, Warlords, Reroll Mage, C: Sharpshooters, Duelists, Check out the Cheat Sheet for easy reference in each of your games! Tournament/Pro Meta Shifts. Wins 2. The only mandatory items are Zeke’s and Morello, with Morello on Seraphine and Zeke’s on Zeri/Rakan. 5076% #5,269. Just play either 2 Duelists + strongest units or just 4 Duelists in Stage 2 depending on what units you hit/upgrade. But playing at the start of the set is much different than playing during the middle or the end, so here’s 9 easy tips for quickly climbing at the start of a set. TFT Set 7 Tier List – Patch 12. TFT Compositions Tier List Methodology. Level 4 at 2-1. Metamorphosis (Every two seconds Mutants grow, gaining bonuses that stack up to 5 times (Armor, MR, AD, AP)) Malzahar is good with a Hextech Gunblade + Morello + AP item. S: Chemtech Urgot, Snipers, Yone, A: Syndicate, Socialite + Random, Arcanists, B: Protector Reroll, Samira, Fiora, Innovator, Tristana Reroll, Mutant Malzahar, Twitch Reroll, Scrap. paraphrasing here: "Items are pretty flexible in set 8 so these item combination BiS isn't mandatory, they put more power in champions and lessen the impact of items". To play you must download it first for Android, IOS, PC, or MAC. We have a ton of new champions and traits as this is the biggest mid-set update for Teamfight Tactics so far. Prefer Piltover for massive loss streak. The closer to the Top Right, the better and more versatile the item is. Access to granular Tier List ranking for example S+ vs S; Discord access . This is the first Hyper Roll composition of Set 3. 3. Imperial and Academy are being removed. Meta Snapshot Summar y. Tweets. You should make different lolchess for comps like 6 elderwood veigar and 6 mage veigar. TFT Set 7 Tier List – Patch 12. Glitched Out Carousels: These Carousels are “Glitched” and will include different things than you normally expect. Any damage item works on her. . 19. If not, just slow roll. With Bard, you have extra items to use to equip a secondary tank or damage dealer, so make sure you play comps. The order inside each tier does not matter. Difficulty: Low. Level to 6 at 3-2 and you can roll if you have a lot of pairs or if you are low. Try out different types of positioning and champions in these comps too! There is a ton of variation in TFT so be sure to check out the Core units and then flex the rest of. Stream is on every Friday – Sunday at 3pm-7pm US Eastern at. How to Play: Since this is a comp that mainly comes online at level 8, try to play strongest board until 4-5 where you level to 8 to roll for your 2* 4 cost units like Samira, Zac/Sej/Ekko and 5 cost units like Aphelios, Urgot and Fiddlesticks. Tournament/Pro Meta Shifts. If you stabilize, find a time to go 8 at 5-1. Item Holder: Ashe, Kayle, Sivir, Senna. 5 Tier List – Patch 12. How to Play: Since this is a comp that mainly comes online at level 8, try to play strongest board until 4-5 where you level to 8 to roll for your 2* 4 cost units like Samira, Zac/Sej/Ekko and 5 cost units like Aphelios, Urgot and Fiddlesticks. Set 9. Overview. Game should start loading after clicking all the Blue Bubbles. We’ve brought Voids1n back to show us Set 9 comps. Playstyle #3 – Two Roads Diverged: Playing One AD and One AP. 1 Meta comps tft set 6. The Flex Meta – TFT Tierlist Patch 10. Slow roll for Katarina at level 6 for 3*. Last Week’s Rank: S. How to Play: Since this is a comp that mainly comes online at level 8, try to play strongest board until 4-5 where you level to 8 to roll for your 2* 4 cost units like Samira, Zac/Sej/Ekko and 5 cost units like Aphelios, Urgot and Fiddlesticks. Best TFT Comps for Set 8. Early game, try to hold Strategist units, especially Swain. have the best TFT Comps. Protector’s Vow is also really good in this comp because it helps stall for your team to deal damage over time. You just put tanks in front of her. Put leftover items on Wukong, Jayce, Leona, and Zoe. Last Week’s Rank: Difficulty: Low Item/Augment Dependency: Medium Variance: Medium Requirements:TFT Set 9 Tier List – Patch 13. September 1, 2023 by Voids1n. InfiniTeam. TFT Item Quadrant. The first augment offered this game will be prismatic. Lots of changes in Week 2 of this meta. Note that Items don’t really. The early game is the most important part of TFT because it sets up your entire game. Ashe Hunter’s Focus Bonus Attack Speed: 50/75/300 ⇒ 45/65/300. WILL UPDATE AGAIN SOON. Legends are super fun and one of the best new additions to TFT. Avoid items on Bottom Left if possible. Meta Snapshot Summary. Essentially what this means is you should only keep units you intend on playing on your bench. Sniper Jhin Can Silco on Orianna/Zyra or Braum/Morg. 20b that occurred on October 7. Difficulty: Medium Item/Augment Dependency: Medium Variance: High Requirements: Lots of Olafs; Assassin Olaf is beyond strong; Item Holder: Kayn, Yone, Aatrox How to Play: Gameplay. 5% damage increase. Go Vladimir. Frontline/Bruiser items on Zac/Sej/Ekko.